
In the Midst of the Storm

Green Point Dunes Nature Preserve
Distance: 3 Mile Loop
Terrain: Rolling hills with steeper climbs near the bluffs
Vegetation: Wildflowers, forest, meadows, stunning views of Lake Michigan
Wildlife: Bird habitat

Green Point Dunes Nature Preserve Trail Map.jpg

In the Midst of the Storm
by Sarah Anderson

"Jesus spoke to the people once more and said, 'I am the light of the world. If you follow me, you won't have to walk in darkness, because you will have the light that leads to life.'" - John 8:12

This trail is two miles south of Elberta and is protected by the Grand Traverse Regional Land Conservancy. Its open year-round for hikers and cross-country skiers. We hiked mid-October during the peak of Autumn's blush. Pale sunlight warmed our skin while crisp air rolled in from the shore below. Cornflower blue blankets covered the earth to it's outer rim. It's waves crashing methodically, keeping time to the woodland song of rustling red and yellow leaves.


The trail offers two overlooks of Lake Michigan, the first including views of Lower Herring Lake. In good weather, Lake Michigan might be clear enough to catch a glimpse of the City of Boston shipwreck. In 1873, the steamship hit a sandbar when blinded by a November snow storm. Unable to move, the waves pounded against the hull until it broke. The ship's cargo was lost and the vessel was abandoned.


From the sandy bluffs we could just outline the City of Boston wreckage, a skeletal memory of what was lost. It served as a warning against the possible devastation for those who lose sight of the Lighthouse. When we're blinded by the storm, whether a fog of worldliness, or the crashing waves of enemy warfare, we're in danger of becoming shipwrecked. We must fix our eyes on Jesus, the Author and Perfecter of our faith (Hebrews 12:2). Psalm 119:105 says, "Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path." When we remain in Scripture, marinating our minds with His words, they serve as a compass, keeping us on course when the way seems bleak and hopeless.


The Christian life doesn't guarantee smooth sailing but we can trust that the Captain will not abandon us in the storm. Deuteronomy 31:8 says, "The Lord is the one who goes ahead of you; He will be with you. He will not fail you or forsake you. Do not fear or be dismayed."

Heavenly Father, thank You for Your guiding light, Your word that directs my steps. Forgive me for taking it for granted. Like food, I need it daily. Teach me to meditate on it, using it as the measure for all my decisions. Let me not despair in life's storms but rest in the promise that you will remain with me. Teach me to fix my eyes on You and not the waves. Amen.

Green Point Dunes Nature Preserve in Elberta, Michigan Hiked 10/14/13

Not About Me

Hemmed-In Hollow from Compton Trailhead
Distance: 5 Miles Out and Back
Terrain: 2,000 Foot Elevation Gain
Features: Forest, River, Waterfall, Mountains, Wildflowers
Wildlife: Snakes, Spiders, Turtles, Hawks, Squirrels and Skinks

Hemmed-In-Hollow Trail Map.jpg

Not About Me
by Sarah Anderson

John 3:30 "He must become greater; I must become less."

The Hemmed-In Hollow trail has year-round accessibility and can be hiked from the river or from the Compton Trailhead. Starting from the trailhead, we descended the steep and narrow path. The trail was rocky and had various wildlife including huge spiders and colorful snakes. Though I don't favor these particular creatures, they have their place and purpose in the world. Without them, we'd be overrun with bugs and mosquitoes. An ecosystem needs all types of creatures to contribute to its health and function. In the same way, our faith will grow when it is challenged by those with different perspectives. All types of people are essential for a healthy church body. It's a gentle reminder to not surround ourselves with only what or whom seems most agreeable.


We are built for community, and community thrives in diversity. We are to encourage, sharpen and love each other. Proverbs 27:17 says, "As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another." Life is meant to be shared, and we are to live in harmony with one another (Romans. 12:16). Life is not about getting our own way because life is not about us.

In the final turn, we reached the base of the hollow to behold the most magnificent sight. A 250 foot cliff towered over us, brushing the blue heights above. In spring and summer, water cascades over the rocky face making it the largest waterfall between the Rocky and Appalachian mountains. But in early autumn, only a few lines of water trickled over the edge. A quiet mist rose from the base and rainbow prisms cut through the air. All was silent, our conversation cut short in a gasp of surprise.


In moments like these, we experience spiritual vertigo. We catch a glimpse of how big the world is, and even bigger the God who created it. We suddenly realize how small we really are in the whole scheme of life. How little our comforts and opinions seem in comparison to the One who created the heavens and the earth and all that is in them (Genesis 1:1). Yet even before this mountain wall was formed, He loved us. Ephesians 1:4-5 says, "For he chose us in him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in his sight. In love he predestined us for adoption to sonship through Jesus Christ, in accordance with his pleasure and will-" This big, awesome Creator isn't far off and unreachable. He is personal and close. He is a Father seeking the love of His children because in His grace, He chose us to be so. We are built for community because God desires to commune with us. Life is meant to be shared not just with our fellow man, but also in sweet union with Jesus.


When we are dwarfed by His greatness and in true awe of His extravagant love, how could we possibly think life is about us?

Lord, forgive me when I become so near-sighted that I miss the grandeur of Your love. Creation gives evidence of how great You truly are. Who am I in light of Your glory? Yet in Your perfection You did not abandon me to my sins. You rescued me and called me child. Forgive me for not living each moment in thanksgiving for my salvation! Rid me of selfishness so I can love others as You have loved me. Rid me of self-centeredness so I can love You with all my heart, soul, mind and strength. Forgive me for living for my own desires. Life is not about me, but about You. Because in You alone, there is life. Amen.

Hemmed-In Hollow Trail from Compton Trailhead near Compton, Arkansas Hiked 9/13/13